Introducing: Styled by Second Hand


Logo by Jen Does Design 

I don’t believe that all good things come to an end. I think all good things evolve and change, and whether they remain good things is up to the universe.  If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been, the cat is now out of the bag: I’ve been changing and evolving, and so with me comes this blog.

Second Hand Challenge began as just that, a challenge. Could I really shop solely second hand for an entire year? Somehow, with just a few minor cheats along the way, I did it. And I learned a ton along the way. Of those lessons: second hand shopping was not just a challenge for me, it had become a way of life.

I love the thrill of finding treasure on the cheap so much more than shopping in a department store or the fast fashion haunts I once loved.  Second hand challenged no more- my wardrobe, my home and my life are Styled by Second Hand.

On October 1, Styled by Second Hand will be here to share ideas about incorporating second hand elements into your world, and glimpses of how I use them in mine. I’ll share my favorite outfits, DIY home projects, the people and things of the past that inspire me, and hopefully, a new perspective on recycling.

I sincerely hope you continue to read and connect with me; please join me on this new second hand adventure. Until then, look for behind the scenes, inspiration and pretty stuff on the following: InstagramTwitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and bookmark this. See you on October 1!       

“Fashion has always been a repetition of ideas, but what makes it new is the way you put it together.” – Carolina Hererra

Music and fashion and sunshine, oh my


I can’t believe I’ve been to Coachella four years in a row. It’s crazy how time flies, and it’s been very interesting to see the way the festival has changed even in just a few short years. What was once a festival that flew under the radar has become a media focus and totally commercialized; Modern Family referenced it a few weeks ago, Good Morning America chatted about it on air, and brands are scrambling to be in your face left and right, trying to get a piece of the popular pie. Continue reading

Coachella 2013: What I’m wearing


Though the quality of this year’s line-up has been the topic of much debate, I couldn’t be more excited for Coachella. Though music is the true star of the festival, the celebrity scene, exclusive parties and most importantly, fashion, are close runners-up in terms of buzz. This year, I’ve prepped more outfits than necessary for lounging by the pool, traipsing through the polo fields, dancing my face off and partying until the wee hours.

It would be silly of me to completely spoil my looks by modeling them in their entirety, so I’m just giving you a sneak peek. You’ll have to follow me on Instagram to see daily accounts of the ‘fits, and tune back in post-fest for a full report of the weekend in the sun. So what am I planning? Continue reading

Festival fashion: Coachella is coming!


Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, the air is warm and the sun lingers longer in the sky. All of nature’s renewal can only mean one thing: the countdown to Coachella has officially begun! Though SXSW is the kick-off to festival season, Coachella is truly the place to see and be seen, fashionably speaking. Continue reading

Circle, circle, dot, dot


Aesthetically pleasing and lacking a single edge, there is no beginning and no end to a circle. In Hinduism, circles symbolize unity, female power, and the sun, the giver of life. In fashion, they are flirty, feminine and fun. Continue reading

LBD: leopard + black dress



I am a creature of habit. Hang around me long enough and you’ll notice my tendencies lean towards leather, red lipstick, big jewelry, and leopard print. I especially like anything that allows me to combine my aforementioned obsessions, so when my mom gave me this vintage Adele Joyce sweater dress, I knew I could dress it up and make it fun. Continue reading

A new challenge


At the onset of each new year, we set out with fresh, positive vigor to be better people, have richer lives, look more fly and outdo whatever success we met the year prior. I, for one, puffed up my chest at the onset of 2013, and vowed to have the best year ever.

Sometimes the universe has different plans, and on March 1, I came in to work (in a very cute, second handed outfit, I might add) and  was told I was being laid off, effective immediately. Jerks.

The shock has now worn off and I’m starting to kind of like this idea of unemployment. Its time to figure out what I really want to do, who I really want to be and spend time doing things that really make me happy. And, while I’m at it, those things I set out to do at the beginning of 2013. Continue reading

Poppin’ tags: thrifting in the Mission


Ah, life. The second you decide you’re over something or someone, there it goes waltzing back into your life. I gave you many chances, thrifting, and for the past few months, come ups were just not something I was coming by. So I gave up and told you guys last week that I was over thrifting and didn’t miss it. Continue reading